A Guide to Besoms - The History of the Witch's Broom

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Besoms, also known as witches' brooms, are traditional tools used for sweeping and cleansing. They have a long history and have been associated with various rituals and practices, particularly in the realm of witchcraft and magick.

The word "besom" is derived from the Old English "besma," which means broom. Besoms were originally made from birch twigs, which were bound together with willow or hazel branches to form a handle. These natural materials were chosen for their durability and ability to sweep away dirt and debris.

Besoms have been used for centuries as tools for cleaning and purifying spaces. In ancient times, they were used to sweep away negative energy and protect homes from evil spirits. They were also used in rituals to purify and consecrate sacred spaces.

In many cultures, besoms were believed to have magical properties and were used as a tool for divination and communication with spirits. They were also often used in wedding ceremonies, where the bride and groom would jump over the besom as a symbol of their commitment to each other and their new home.

A History of Besoms

The association of besoms with witchcraft and magic can be traced back to the early modern period, when the persecution of witches was at its peak. During this time, besoms were often depicted as being used by witches to fly through the air and attend meetings with other witches, known as "sabbats." This portrayal of besoms in popular culture has persisted to this day and has contributed to the enduring association of besoms with witches and magick.

In modern times, besoms are still used for their traditional purposes, but they are also used as decorative items and as symbols of Wicca and other modern pagan traditions, including the Wheel of the Year. Many people who practice these traditions see the besom as a powerful tool for cleansing and purification, and they use it in rituals and ceremonies to connect with nature and the spiritual world.

How to Make a Besom

Making a besom is a fun and rewarding DIY project that allows you to create a unique and meaningful tool for your own rituals and practices. Here's how to make your own besom:


  • Birch twigs

  • Willow or hazel branches

  • Twine or string

  • Scissors


  1. Gather your materials. You will need a bundle of birch twigs and a couple of willow or hazel branches to make the handle. You can find these materials at a local park or forest, or you can purchase them from a craft store or online.

  2. Cut the birch twigs to the desired length. You can make your besom as large or small as you like, but aim for a length of around 2-3 feet.

  3. Tie the birch twigs together using twine or string. Start at the bottom of the twigs and work your way up, binding them together tightly.

  4. Cut the willow or hazel branches to the desired length for the handle. Aim for a length of around 3-4 feet.

  5. Tie the handle to the bottom of the birch twigs using twine or string. Make sure it is securely attached.

  6. Trim any excess twine or string and shape the besom as desired. You can also add any decorative elements, such as ribbons or crystals, if you like.

  7. Your besom is now ready to use! You can use it for sweeping, cleansing, and any other rituals or practices you choose. Grab Printable Instructions in the Free Member’s Library

Best Types of Wood to Use:

  • Birch: Birch is a traditional choice for besoms due to its durability and ability to sweep away dirt and debris. It is also believed to have protective and purifying properties.

  • Willow: Willow is another good choice for the handle of a besom due to its strength and flexibility. It is also believed to have healing and protective properties.

  • Hazel: Hazel is another strong and flexible wood that can be used for the handle of a besom. It is believed to have protective and divinatory properties.

Other types of wood that can be used for the twigs of a besom include ash, oak, and other types of branches with strong, flexible wood. It is important to choose branches that are straight and without too many knots, as these will be more difficult to work with and may not hold up as well over time. Overall, the most important thing is to choose wood that is strong, durable, and suited to your personal preferences and beliefs.

Besoms are traditional tools that have a long history of use in rituals and practices related to cleaning, purification, and magick. They are made from birch twigs and a handle of willow or hazel branches, and can be easily made at home with a few basic materials. Whether you use your besom for its traditional purposes or as a decorative item, it can be a meaningful and powerful tool for your personal beliefs and practices.

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