Does Manifesting Really Work?

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I was cleaning out my home office not too long ago and came across a Life Binder I started back in 2012. In it were notes and lists written in my Law of Attraction heyday. I had snippets from magazines glued to copy paper, representing my Be, Do, Have desires. There were images of white farmhouses and rose gardens, yellow kitchens and smart business casual outfits. There was the ubiquitous Check from the Universe, made out to myself (obviously), for an amount representing the salary I wanted that year. I had a lists of desires written in the present tense. I am so happy and grateful that…. There were gratitude lists galore.

I found different versions of my Be Do Have lists from 2012, 2014 and 2017 - each one with new items and wants.

Reading through these lists was fun. I checked off many of the items. I bought a house, got my masters degree, raised my kids, increased my income, started a successful blog. Did I manifest these? Maybe. But I also took a LOT of action to bring these desires into reality. But…..I definitely think that for some events in my life, there was some divine intervention. How I bought my house is a prime example. After my divorce I had to go back to renting and I thought I would never own a house again. But somehow I was approved for a mortgage, found a home in my price range that was big enough for my family and close to schools and my work. Everything seemed to fall magically into place at just the right time. Side note - this was 2013, when the housing market was still stable. Did I manifest this house? Maybe. Maybe not. But I’ve always felt like someone was looking out for me, to find what literally felt like the perfect place to call home.

Some of the items on my Be Do Have lists I no longer wanted. In fact, I’m really happy I didn’t get them. This includes jobs, relationships, a questionable chevron inspired rug for my living room. Did I not get these things because I wasn’t high vibe enough? Or because the Universe knew better? Or was it just bad luck/ good luck?

I’ve been off any kind of LOA/Manifesting for a few years now. I don’t know if it was because of the pandemic or I just got tired of trying to be positive so much of the time. A major flaw with LOA for me, is that it kept me in my head too much. I was always policing my thoughts and was constantly trying to find silver linings, when sometimes, it was just a pile of sh!t.

During COVID-19, out of curiosity, I did deep dives into the history of some of the most popular LOA figures - Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Rhonda Byrnes, the hippy guy from The Secret. What I found wasn’t great. There are lots of articles and information about some shady past dealings with each of them. Is it all true? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way it was enough to put me off any thoughts of LOA until recently.

In her book, The Age of Magical Thinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality, author and podcast host Amanda Montell delves into the ideas behind concepts like manifesting, debunking the idea that thoughts become things and that we can control anything by just focusing on it. On a logical level I understood what Montell was saying. We are programmed with cognitive biases and to imbue meaning into even the most mundane parts of our life. Coincidences become signs from a higher power. Bad luck is attributed to bad karma in a past life. Seeing certain numbesr is a message from angels. Listening to this book (I bought it on Audible) thoroughly debunk any kind of magickal thinking left me feeling a little sad. I mean, there has to be some magic in life, right?

Yes, humans are designed to make meaning out of pretty much anything, but I refuse to believe that there is NO higher power guiding us in some way. Perhaps it is a God or Goddess, or maybe our ancestors. I like to think that nature is my guide, because being outside brings me peace and clarity. Is this because I am allowing myself to slow down and be present enough to feel to my feelings? Or is it the essence of Gaia guiding me with soft winds and passing clouds? Maybe it’s a little bit of both.

I’ve picked up my Be Do Have lists again. This time feeling a little more grounded and wise about what I really want in life. My list in 2024 includes peace, joy, health and stability. And maybe a new rug for my living room.


Creating a Budget That Reflects Your Values