Moving from Mother to Crone & This Week's Free Printable

Hello Friends, 

I hope this finds you well. It’s raining today. Which is a welcome sign, as Maine is experiencing a pretty bad drought. There is something magical about rainy days. I have always loved them.  While lots of people like to curl up with a good book on a rainy day, I actually feel more motivated to get things done on rainy days. Is that weird? I absolutely love writing on days like this. Are you a rain person or a sun person? 

 From Maiden to Mother to Crone 

As summer winds down, I’ve been thinking about my upcoming birthday (okay, it’s two months away) and the fact that my youngest is going to be a senior in high school this fall. After 27 years, my active parenting days are winding to a close.  And I find myself wondering, what’s next? Who am I, if I am not a full time parent?    

I’m going to be 46 in October. From my vantage point, it’s neither young nor old. In some ways it feels just right. I’m comfortable with myself. I like the person I have become. I have plenty of life experience to instill the right balance of confidence and prudence. 


Biologically though….it feels like a hormonal dance (rave?) is happening inside me.  Just like puberty, when you move from the spring of life into the summer, the move into the autumn of life (aka perimenopause) is marked by a lot of changes that are hard to ignore. 

To put it less poetically, some days I am a hot mess. My uterus has no rules. Mood swings have taken on a whole new meaning. And I could take a nap at any point in the day.

Anyone else in this boat? Anyway, if you’d like to read my full ramble about moving from the Mother phase to the Crone phase of life, by all means continue….

This Week’s free printable is inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose biography I’ve been listening to on audible. I often think of him as one of the earliest slow living influencers of his time.  

In other news not related to influencers or my raging hormones, the 2022-2023 planner is finished! But given my history of typos, I still need to go through it one more time before releasing it into the wild. So, for those you waiting, please hang in there! 

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and I’ll see you next week! 

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A History of Mabon and The Wheel of the Year


From Maiden to Mother to Crone