The Season of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid

 Here in Maine we are expecting our first big snow storm in a few days and the winter air is full with anticipation. I’ll spend some time later today filling the woodbox on my back porch, emptying the ashes from the woodstove and checking my pantry to see if I should pick up any groceries before the snow descends. 

Winter storms in Maine are not that big a deal. It’s just part of living here. But I do find comfort in preparing ahead of time. There is a wonderful sense of hominess and security when I top off the woodbox or have a bucket of ash ready to spread on slippery steps. Unlike summer, when the days are long and hot and the work in the garden seems to never end, the cadence of winter is more my natural pace. A burst of energy to get things done, with a promise of hot tea and rest by the fire when I am finished. 

Snowstorms aside, I’ve been thinking about springtime and what I’d like to accomplish this year, both in my gardens and in other areas of my life. For this is the season of Imbolc, when we can plot and plan, as well as pause and rest.  To celebrate, this week I’m sharing a post about the History of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid

Along with the free Mabon House Imbolc Celebration Guide in the Members Library, this week’s free printable is a new word art print that I created to remind myself that ebb and flow, change and constancy, are all part of life’s balance.


5 Easy Thrift Ideas for Celebrating Imbolc


The Triple Goddess:  The Maiden, Mother & Crone