Embracing Our Limits

The last turn in the Wheel of the Year is underway here in Western Maine. It feels very much like summer during the day, but the leaves are beginning to fall and nights are getting cooler.

As sad as it is to see summer end, I’m ready to break out my heavier cardigans and tins of spiced tea. Do you do anything simple, but also special, to mark the beginning of autumn?

Embracing Limits

My new job is off and running. I’ve forgotten how much big life changes drain my energy. It’s not a reflection of the work or my colleagues - they are all awesome and I am really glad for this new opportunity. But even though it’s all good change, I still find myself exhausted at the end of the day. It’s just how I’m hardwired. Going with the flow is not really my thing, if the flow is too fast paced.

Because big changes drains my emotional battery, I need extra time to recharge when life gets shaken up. This weekend I’ll take it easy and putter around my house with no planned agenda.

It took me many years to feel comfortable acknowledging that I am just not as nimble as other people when it comes to change. However, once I gave myself permission to slow down and embrace my own limits, change has became much less stressful.

How do you deal with change? Do you love it? Does it stress you out? Are you like me and it’s a bit of a mixed bag?

This week’s featured printable is the original Mabon Celebration Guide. I have some new printables in the works, but in the spirit of embracing my limits, I’ll be sharing them in a few weeks, once I am more settled into my job.

And if you haven’t popped into the Member’s Library in a while, be sure to check it out. There are lots of other free printables you may not have grabbed yet, like this one:

Recommended Reading


Happy Mabon


A History of Mabon and The Wheel of the Year