Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House

Free Ostara Celebration e-Course


Join the Mabon House Community in the celebration of the Spring Equinox with this FREE Ostara Celebration E-Course. This self-paced course includes 5 lessons, complete with free downloadable printables and worksheets, tips and resources. The Ostara Self Care and Celebration Course is now available. Simply sign up and access to the first lesson will be sent to your inbox.

Free Ostara Course

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Intentional Living, Simplify, Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House Intentional Living, Simplify, Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House

Setting Intentions for the Springtime

Hello Friends, 

I  hope this finds you well and safe. The blustery March winds are blowing here in Maine, like a last gasp of winter. The tiny tips of purple snowdrops are just starting to peek out of the ground and the daffodil leaves are tall and stately, but not quite ready to reveal their flower petals. 

I’ve been reading up on the history of Beltane and thinking about some ideas for printables and perhaps another course, like the Ostara Course so many of you enjoyed. I also thought it would be great to hear from some of you, about what kind of content you enjoy or would like to see more on Mabon House. So, if you have a couple of minutes I would love to hear from you. I’ve put together this short anonymous questionnaire/poll, to make it easy to share your ideas for Mabon House.  

This week’s printable is a Spring Intentions Worksheet. I like this worksheet because it reminds me to make time in my schedule to do things I enjoy. My daughter recently returned to Maine after living out of state for the past two years and we’ve been planning some fun day trips to take now that the weather is warming up. But our work schedules are opposite each other, so if we don’t set aside time NOW to plan for our trips, they won’t happen. 

Here’s what I added to my worksheet: 

I want to be, do and have: I want to be consistent in my writing practice, do more physical activity to help reduce anxiety and stress, and have more fun and adventure in my everyday life. 

I want to spend more time doing the following: writing for fun, walking outside, visiting with my family, getting out and about to visit new places. 

I want to spend less time doing the following: Working on the computer and screen time.   

Fun activities I want to do this season: Visit some antique stores along the coast, picnic at the beach, go hiking and do some kind of writing retreat. 

After reviewing my answers, I decided the theme of my springtime intentions is Adventure. Which feels really good after two years of being home most of the time. I’d love to hear about your springtime intentions and adventures.  

I hope the flowers are blooming in your corner of the world and you are able to have some springtime adventures of your own. I’ll see you next week! 

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Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House

Ostara for Self Care and Intentional Living

It’s hard to believe that Ostara and the spring equinox are just a few days away. I’m taking some advice from myself (or rather from the Ostara Self Care Course I wrote up last year) to spend some time planning for future goals.  I’ve been thinking a lot about creative projects.  I have many printables in the works, as well as a lot of notes and research on the Wheel of the Year and how to live more intentionally within the seasons. And I feel like there is something bigger here than just blog posts and stand alone printables. So, I’ve started sketching out a very rough outline of a book. Which feels scary and super exciting at the same time.  

My imposter syndrome reared up slightly when I began thinking about this BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). I mean, many of you have been around long enough to see the number of typos that I make on a regular basis. I am not the world's best editor. But the thing is…what is life worth if you don’t try scary and exciting things?  Yes, you might fail, but you might also fly.

With this book idea, I’m planting seeds of joy, anticipation and excitement for Ostara. And even if it takes a couple Wheel of the Years to see the final results, that’s okay with me. What about you? What seeds are you planting this spring? What joy are you cultivating? Do you have any BHAGS you’re ready to start on?

This week’s printable is also from the free Ostara Course and is one of my personal favorites. You can use it to set intentions, take inspired action and cultivate a life that you love.

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