Ostara, Intentional Living, Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House Ostara, Intentional Living, Wheel of the Year Lorri@Mabon_House

Springtime Seasonal Planner

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Here is your Springtime Seasonal Planner! From planning festive Ostara and Beltane celebrations to tackling spring cleaning and embracing intentional living, this planner is designed to help you make the most of this time of year. Whether you're decorating eggs, planting seeds, or enjoying outdoor picnics, I want to help you cultivate a season filled with growth, renewal, and joy.


If you enjoy Mabon House printables, be sure to check out the Etsy Shop for more Wheel of the Year planners, printables and more.

I’ve also put together a Bookshelf of some of my favorite books and resources for the Wheel of the Year and Intentional Living.


More Springtime Reading

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Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House

The Symbolic Meanings of Ostara: Connecting with Nature's Rebirth

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Ostara marks the fourth sabbat holiday in the Wheel of the Year and is a celebration of the Spring Equinox, when there is balance between light and dark. It also marks the beginning of springtime and nature’s rebirth. Symbols from nature that are associated with Ostara, including rabbits, flowers and seeds. As Christianity spread through Europe in the Middle Ages, many of these symbols became synonymous with Easter, including the association with the Teutonic Goddess Esotre, from which the name is Easter is derived.

  1. Eggs are one of the most well-known symbols of Ostara. They represent new beginnings and the cycle of life. The egg is a symbol of fertility and rebirth, and it's also associated with the goddess Eostre, after whom Ostara is named. In many cultures, eggs were painted and decorated during Ostara celebrations.

  2. Hares/Rabbits are another important symbol of Ostara. It's associated with fertility, growth, and abundance. The hare was also considered a messenger between the worlds of the living and the dead. In some cultures, the hare was seen as a symbol of the moon, which is also associated with the divine feminine.

  3. Spring Flowers, such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses, are also symbols of Ostara. They represent new beginnings and the renewal of life. Flowers are associated with the goddess, and they were often used in rituals and ceremonies.

  4. Butterflies are also associated with Ostara. They represent transformation and growth. The butterfly starts life as a caterpillar and undergoes a metamorphosis to become a beautiful butterfly. This symbolizes the cycle of life and the transformation that occurs during the spring season.

  5. Seeds are a powerful symbol of Ostara. They represent potential and growth. The seeds that are planted during the spring will grow into plants and flowers during the summer months. This represents the cycle of life and the potential for growth and abundance.

  6. Sun and Moon are also important symbols of Ostara. The spring equinox marks the time when the day and night are of equal length, representing balance and harmony. The sun is

    associated with the god, and the moon is associated with the goddess. Together, they represent the balance of masculine and feminine energy.

  7. Greenery, such as leaves and branches, are also symbols of Ostara. They represent the renewal of life and growth. Greenery was often used to decorate homes and altars during Ostara celebrations.

    Ostara is a time of new beginnings and growth. The symbols of Ostara represent the cycle of life, the potential for growth and abundance, and the balance between light and dark. By honoring these symbols, we can connect with the energy of the season and celebrate the renewal of life.

You may also Enjoy these books*

Ostara: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Spring Equinox

Children's Intro to Ostara: An Illustrated Guide

The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Shadows

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Intentional Living, Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House Intentional Living, Ostara Lorri@Mabon_House

10 Tips for Magickal Spring Cleaning

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As the winter fades and the weather begins to warm, many people look forward to the arrival of spring. This season is often associated with new beginnings, growth, and renewal, making it a perfect time for magickal spring cleaning. In many pagan traditions, the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, is celebrated as a time of balance and fertility. By incorporating some of these magickal spring cleaning tips into your routine, you can harness the energy of the season and create a fresh start for yourself and your home.

  1. Set your intentions: Before you start cleaning, set your intentions for the space. This can be anything from clearing out stagnant energy to inviting in abundance and positivity.

  2. Make your own cleaner: Combine equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance. Shake well before using and use to clean surfaces throughout your home.

  3. Walk through each room you intend to clean: Before you start cleaning, walk through each space and think about how you want to feel in the space, as well as how you want it to look.

  4. Use salt water: Add some sea salt to water and use it to cleanse surfaces, windows, and floors. Salt water has a purifying effect and can help neutralize negative energy.

  5. Incorporate crystals: Place crystals around your space to amplify the energy of your intentions. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are all great choices.

  6. Use sound: Use a singing bowl, bells, or a chime to clear stagnant energy and bring in positive vibrations.

  7. Bless your cleaning tools: Before you begin cleaning, take a moment to bless your cleaning tools. This can be done by holding them in your hands and visualizing them being filled with positive energy and intentions.

  8. Bring in fresh air: Open windows to let fresh air flow through your space. This can help clear out stagnant energy and bring in new, positive energy.

  9. Declutter: Get rid of items that no longer serve you or bring you joy. Clearing physical clutter can also help clear mental clutter and create space for new opportunities.

  10. Express gratitude: Finally, express gratitude for your space and the positive energy you have created. This can be as simple as saying a prayer or lighting a candle to honor your efforts.

Magickal spring cleaning is a powerful way to harness the energy of the season and create a fresh start for yourself and your home. By incorporating these tips into your cleaning routine, you can purify your space, infuse it with positive energy, and set the stage for growth and new beginnings. Whether you celebrate Ostara or simply want to take advantage of the season's natural energy, these magickal spring cleaning tips can help you create a clean, vibrant, and harmonious home.

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